What you need for your Newborn Baby

Newborn baby in her crib.

I’m just going to come out and say it. No one is really ready to welcome their child. It doesn’t matter how much reading you’ve done or what you’ve bought or how much time you’ve spent around babies. Nothing prepares you for the life-altering moment of becoming a mother. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t be ready with all the goods! After having three myself, here is my tried and true list of what you need for your newborn baby.

What you need for your Newborn Baby: the obvious

Of course there are the obvious things that you actually really NEED for your newborn baby. These are the essentials, the must-haves.

  • Diapers – I recommend Pampers in newborn size for the first month or so
  • wipes
  • six or seven onesies.
  • six or seven pairs of leggings
  • a couple hats
  • socks or booties
  • a car seat
  • an amazing stroller – I personally love my UppaBaby Vista
  • breast pump if you’re planning to breastfeed
  • a bassinet, crib or alternate place to sleep
  • towels and face cloths
  • swaddle blankets
  • burp cloths
Things you need for your newborn baby

The recommendations

As a somewhat seasoned mother of newborns, I’ve found a few items that I’ve loved that have made the transition just a tad easier, and I would recommend them to anyone expecting a baby!

  • a wrap or ring sling
  • a bouncer chair
  • a Mamaroo
  • play mat
  • a lounger
  • a Oneberrie towel

The thing all of these items have in common is that they free up your hands. It’s not a secret that newborns like to be held, yet most new mothers aren’t prepared for the reality of having a child in your arms, all. Day. Long. These items have been extremely helpful to me so that I either have somewhere to safely put my babies, or a way to keep them close, while still having use of my hands.

See my personal favourite brands and suggestions here.

What you need for mama

This list is one of the most important. Postpartum can be rough, and transitioning into motherhood can be a bit of a shock. Taking care of mom’s physical and mental health is vital. I personally found these items helpful (and still do) as I navigate postpartum for the third time.

Little newborn baby details.
  • A great water bottle. Breastfeeding makes you super thirsty! Also, hydration has a huge affect on your brain and body, both things that need to be taken care of!
  • Meals in the freezer. I personally life to have at least a weeks worth of breakfasts, a few easy snacks and a handful of easy “pop in the oven” meals ready to go.
  • Padsicles. I actually didn’t use them with my third, but man did I need them with my first. I soaked some pads with witch hazel, re-wrapped them and stuck them in the freezer. They were life savers.
  • Chapstick
  • A support system – preferably a handful of people who will hold your baby, clean your home and make you a meal while you catch up on some much missed z’s.
  • A good quality baby book. I recommend this one. You’ll never regret tracking all those firsts and milestones.
  • Coffee, tea, chocolate, or whatever little treat keeps you going when days are tough. And a good stash of it.

And of course, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t add one last thing you need for your newborn baby: an amazing photographer to freeze the first moments – because believe me, you’ll blink and you’ll miss them.

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Caring for your newborn, Motherhood, Newborn


What you need for your Newborn Baby

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You want to find the perfect photographer for your family - one that will make your kids comfortable and capture all those expressions and moments that make your heart burst, without the frustration and stress usually associated with a photo shoot.

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