Newborn Photography Burnaby: Baby Hazel

Tiny baby Hazel snuggled up with mama during her newborn photography Burnaby session.

Tiny little Hazel was such a star for her Newborn photography Burnaby session. This sweet little girl slept soundly, snuggled up while her big brother jumped and bounced and banged. Happy to snooze in spite of the noise level, she was the perfect little model. When I arrived, daddy and brother came down to greet me and brought me up to meet little Hazel. Mama was sitting and cuddling her as she slept soundly in her arms. She stirred a little when mom stripped her down to her adorable little cloth diaper for our session.

Mom chose one of the beautiful swaddles from The Mini Scout that I had brought along for our session and daddy swaddled her tight and cozy. She settled again pretty quickly once mom picked her up and all snuggly in her swaddle. There were a few sweet moments where she squirmed and made it known that she didn’t love the natural light from the close-by windows pouring into her tiny eyes, but they made for just the sweetest photos.

Baby girl wrapped in a swaddle from The Mini scout

Big brother was full of energy, running around, bouncing, and really wanting very little to do with me or my camera. I expected this a little from our experience with maternity photos, but mom and dad came prepared with fun little rewards for participating. It helped that he was quite smitten with his new baby sister and was proud to be able to sit and hold her for a few photos. He loved giving her kisses and pointing to her sweet tiny nose.

Baby girl with big brother and mom and Burnaby newborn photography session

This Newborn photography Burnaby session marked the beginning of a calendar full of girls for me. Almost every baby before this born this year on my calendar has been a boy, and I’ve only known of boys being born to friends, while I now have nothing but baby girls in the calendar for the rest of the year! I’m personally excited to get some good use out of these and the other gorgeous girly swaddles I’ve collected for my sessions!

tiny newborn baby girl cuddled up with her family and her newborn photography session

Check out another in-home newborn session here.

If you’re one of the lucky mamas expecting a little one soon, and you’re looking for some gorgeous, unique baby items to fill that little nursery with, check out my blog post on the best baby stores in Vancouver. All of these stores carry gorgeous, high quality items, many of them made or designed locally in the Vancouver area.

Newborn, Newborn Sessions


Newborn Photography Burnaby: Baby Hazel

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What can I expect from my photoshoot?

You want to find the perfect photographer for your family - one that will make your kids comfortable and capture all those expressions and moments that make your heart burst, without the frustration and stress usually associated with a photo shoot.

I help take care of every detail from helping select outfits, to directing you so your family doesn't feel awkward, and assisting in selecting the images that make your heart the happiest. My goal is to give you the stunning images you want of all your favourite parts of your beautiful life, make them into gorgeous artwork so you can enjoy them daily, and make it a fun and stress-free experience for the whole family!