About your Vancouver Newborn Photographer.

I’m what I would call a shy extrovert. My chosen profession means I spend a lot of time talking to and meeting people I’ve never met before, and if I’m honest, I both love it and hate it. I love meeting new people and making new friends, but part of me is always terrified I won’t click with my clients. So far I’ve had the best clients in the world and always have so much fun getting to know them as we create personalized artwork together. But based on my own experience, I can only assume my clients often feel a little bit of awkwardness prior to our sessions together too.
To alleviate the awkwardness, I thought I’d share a bit about myself! Here’s a few fun facts about me, your Vancouver newborn photographer, so you can realize that I’m about as intimidating as a goldfish and feel comfortable before your session even starts!

1. I drink my coffee black. And I drink a lot of it. It may have something to do with the fact that I haven’t slept through the night in 8.5 months. But I have this theory that if you need cream or sugar in your coffee, you don’t actually like coffee.

Photo by Jamie Cooke Photography

2. I used to be a competitive diver. It’s the only sport I ever really felt like I was good at. I spent soccer games doing pirouettes when I was young, and when my parent’s asked what my favourite position in softball was I replied “spare,” but diving I was really good at. I received medals and everything.

3. I have a degree in International Studies, and I spend my days that aren’t with my children or behind the camera working for a Non-Profit called the Wellspring Foundation. They’re helping to provide a quality education to hundred of thousands of Rwandan students through teacher training and leadership development!

4. I love to travel. I haven’t seen near enough of the world and hope to see more. New Zealand was probably my favourite place I’ve visited, and I compare it to BC, but everything I love about BC is better in New Zealand. Of course, Rwanda has a special place in my heart because of the work I have the privilege of being part of there. I’ve never been to Europe but it’s definitely on my list. I’ve seen more of the African continent than the North American and seen more of the USA than I have of Canada. I’d love to drive across Canada one day, but maybe skip the Prairies; or maybe I’ll skip most of the middle and just go straight to the East Coast.

5. I love to read. I read a lot of non-fiction before my degree but quickly found myself being swept away by escapist fiction. My absolute favourite author is a Welsh writer named Jasper Fforde who writes a compelling and entertaining mix of action, adventure, sci-fi, mystery, romance and comedy, all wrapped up in each book. He’s also big on word plays, so if you enjoy a smart, witty and comical story, you should definitely pick up one of his many novels. Be careful though – my sister-in-law recommended him to me and I now own every book he’s ever written, besides his newest which was released while I was on vacation.

6. And one you might already know if you’ve followed me for more than 5 minutes: I spend my downtime with three people who take up most of my heart – my husband, Dave, a realist with a huge sense of humour and a passion for music; my daughter, Paisley, a silly, playful, affectionate and fiercely independent three-year-old; and my son Seth, the happiest, sweetest 8-month-old babe in the world, who is apparently convinced that sleep is from the devil. These guys are the reason I do this, which you can read more about here. We love to laugh together and have lots of fun. So if you’ve got a sense of humour and aren’t afraid of getting a bit silly in our session, I think we’ll have a lot of fun together!

7. I’m terrible at small talk. I’m trying to learn, but if I come off as awkwardly interrogating you, I promise it comes from a good place!
Hopefully we have a few things in common. If we do, say hi and let me know – I might be the Vancouver newborn photographer you’ve been looking for.

Newborn photographer being ridiculous



About your Vancouver Newborn Photographer.

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What can I expect from my photoshoot?

You want to find the perfect photographer for your family - one that will make your kids comfortable and capture all those expressions and moments that make your heart burst, without the frustration and stress usually associated with a photo shoot.

I help take care of every detail from helping select outfits, to directing you so your family doesn't feel awkward, and assisting in selecting the images that make your heart the happiest. My goal is to give you the stunning images you want of all your favourite parts of your beautiful life, make them into gorgeous artwork so you can enjoy them daily, and make it a fun and stress-free experience for the whole family!