Newborn Photos During COVID-19

The question on most mamas minds at the moment is "is it safe to have newborn photos during COVID-19?"

Becoming a mother during the COVID-19 pandemic is not what any of us expected. When I personally found out in February that I was pregnant, I never would have imagined that come my October due date, we’d still be living with COVID. But, unfortunately, it’s still here. And we continue to hear of numbers rising in B.C. As a result, many new and soon-to-be mamas are asking the same question: Is it safe to have newborn photos during COVID-19?

With no photographers allowed in hospitals for Fresh48 sessions or Birth photography, it might make you reconsider the safety of having a photographer come to your home for a session with your tiny, new, fragile little baby. But, with the right precautions in place, the short answer is, yes, it is safe!

Back in May, Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Minister of Health okayed in-home newborn photos during COVID-19 when they cancelled the stop work order on in-home personal services. With our current restrictions, businesses are still able to operate despite the orders against social gatherings.

Lifestyle in-home newborn photography

My client’s and my family’s health are my number one priority. As a mother myself, I totally understand the hesitation of inviting unknown people to be close to your baby, which is why I have a few policies in place to make sure you, your baby, and my babies, are all safe.

First, I will never come to your home, or see any clients outdoors, if I or anyone in my family is presenting symptoms of any kind. I also hope all my clients will be upfront and reschedule the session if they or anyone in their family have symptoms. There is no fee to reschedule for this reason, and, since I specialize in lifestyle photography, waiting one or two extra weeks until everyone is healthy isn’t going to affect the quality of your images.

Second, when I arrive at client’s homes for newborn photos during COVID-19, I sanitize before entering, wear a mask and immediately wash my hands upon entering. Within homes, and when getting those tiny detail photos, social distancing just isn’t possible, so I take every precaution to ensure that you and baby are safe.

Family welcoming their first baby during the COVID pandemic

Third, during these sessions, I have taken a complete hands-off approach. While I would normally offer to help swaddle baby for our session, at this time I leave all swaddling and handling of baby to parents. I will direct you with where I want baby positioned and how and allow you to do the rest.

Fourth, I have personally been keeping my bubble as small as possible. My maternity and family sessions are done outdoors in fresh air and with as much social distancing as possible. I’ve even invested in a new lens so I can stay farther from my clients while still producing the same style and quality of images. I know that you don’t want your baby exposed to every client I see over the course of a few weeks, so even when capturing other families’ memories, I keep my tiniest, most vulnerable clients in mind.

I completely understand if my clients have hesitations around COVID-19 and what’s safest for their baby during this crazy year. If you have any other questions or concerns, just reach out and chat! I’d love to help you feel comfortable with your newborn session, or help you find a great alternative if having someone in your home isn’t something you want to do at the moment.

I hope the safety precautions I’m taking have put you at ease! Check out this recent newborn session, which happened safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check out my website for more information on the Newborn Photography experience, and to reach out and chat to plan your session!

Caring for your newborn, Maternity, Newborn, Newborn Sessions


Newborn Photos During COVID-19

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What can I expect from my photoshoot?

You want to find the perfect photographer for your family - one that will make your kids comfortable and capture all those expressions and moments that make your heart burst, without the frustration and stress usually associated with a photo shoot.

I help take care of every detail from helping select outfits, to directing you so your family doesn't feel awkward, and assisting in selecting the images that make your heart the happiest. My goal is to give you the stunning images you want of all your favourite parts of your beautiful life, make them into gorgeous artwork so you can enjoy them daily, and make it a fun and stress-free experience for the whole family!