Gift Ideas for New Moms They’ll Actually Love

New babies are so exciting! And shopping for one is too. There’s no end of adorable onesies, blankets, soothers and stuffed animals. But, often, the most appreciated gifts are the ones for mom. Her world just turned upside down when that little baby was put into her arms. She’s full of emotions of love and joy, but she’s also sleep deprived and adjusting to a whole new role. So, when you show up to meet baby, don’t forget about mom. To help you out, I’ve put together a list of 5 gift ideas for new moms they’ll actually love.

1. A notebook

Like I said, Mom is going through a lot. Some of it great, most of it good, some of it not so great. One of those not-so-great things is that she’d probably become super forgetful – you know, “Baby Brain”. A handy little notebook will help her remember which side baby nursed on last, when was the last time she bathed the tiny little thing, when she last ate. She can also right down adorable things her new baby does, and funny things that happen to them during the day. Alternatively, if she doesn’t have on yet, a beautiful baby book is always a great gift to help her record some of the more memorable moments. Check out my blog post on Mushy Books and why they’re my favourite baby book by far.

new mom laying with her new baby

2. A water bottle

Preferably one that actually keeps water the temperature she likes. There’s this weird phenomenon that the moment you sit down, get comfortable and the baby latches and is eating nicely, you realize you feel like you’re standing in the middle of the Sahara, frantically searching for water. A good quality water bottle will become her new best friends when that feeling hits and she’s trapped under a half-sleeping baby.

3. Of course the best gift idea for new moms…Her favourite treat, and some time alone.

A few weeks after I had my daughter, once my husband had returned to work and she and I were trying to figure out how daily life worked as a new duo, my sister showed up one day and offered to take her for a walk around the neighbourhood so I could sleep. I did not know how badly I needed it. In fact, I’m pretty sure she took the baby, and the moment I was alone I started crying with relief. From the moment the nurse put baby on the new mom’s chest, she likely hasn’t had a moment alone. Baby probably sleeps next to her, is in the bathroom with her while she showers, and is attached to her while she’s eating. It’s amazing, but it’s A LOT. She may not even realize it yet, but the best gift idea for a new mom is definitely some time alone. And if she’s not overly exhausted (unlikely) and wants to spend that time on Instagram or Pinterest while snacking on her favourite chocolate bar, she’ll be even more ecstatic when you hand her the chocolate bar.

mama snuggling with brand new baby

4. A comfortable nursing bra

I feel like this one is pretty self explanatory. She’s wearing a nursing bra all the time. Even to sleep. And when you’ve just had a baby, you’re already pretty uncomfortable. The last thing you need is an uncomfortable bra. But, if you aren’t a mom yet yourself, you may not be sure which bras are best, so I’ve gone one step further with this one. This brand has the most comfortable nursing bras ever.

5. The last gift idea for new moms is….Lip balm

Remember that Sahara Dessert feeling I mentioned before? Yeah, her lips will feel dry all the time. And that Baby Brain with the notebook? It means she’ll forget where her lip balm is constantly. So show up with a few – 3, 5, heck, make it an even dozen. One for her diaper bag, one for her wallet, her bedside table, the bathroom and her pocket. Then a few extras in case she loses one of those.

mom and baby at newborn photoshoot, with baby wearing a onesie

Bonus gift: a newborn session.

Ok, I had to throw that one in there. And this gift really would top them all. Baby won’t stay a tiny newborn squish for long. And when they lose all the little newborn movements and sounds and start to look more like a child, mom will miss this. A lot. A photography session captures the beauty, intimacy, emotions and overflowing love that mom feels during this short season and turns it into gorgeous, personalized art to help her remember all the little details and all the things she loves about this short season.

Not done yet? Check out some other newborn related posts like this one or this one. Or check out a full newborn gallery here.



Gift Ideas for New Moms They’ll Actually Love

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