Discover the Benefits of New Mummy Company for New Parents

Those first few months of parenthood should be some of the best of your life. You have been dreaming about this moment for years. Now, your dream is right there, napping in your arms, and you can barely stay awake long enough to celebrate. When you don’t have the proper support through the newborn stage, you have a higher chance of developing a postpartum mood disorder, and these moments you’ve been dreaming of can start to feel more like a nightmare. Luckily, New Mummy Company is here to help you out. As a Vancouver family photographer, I get the chance to connect with parents and find out about the best local professionals. Here’s why you need New Mummy Company in your life! 

A happy mom to be snuggles against her partner while standing on a rock at susnet

About New Mummy Company

Over the past 20 years, Maria Robertson has become known as one of the best newborn professionals in the business. Before she was in Canada providing her life-changing services, she worked in Ireland as a Maternity Nurse. Throughout her first three years, she worked for three different sets of infant twins. She realized how important professional support was to parents, and she decided to find a way to reach more families. Since then, she has worked with families across every walk of life, from everyday clients to high-profile celebrities. Along the way, she has built up a team of professionals dedicated to helping families. With this company, you can have the care you need so you can truly treasure these years. 

A pregnant woman stands with her partner on a tall rock at sunset while looking at each other after meeting new mummy company


New Mummy Company offers services both before and after your baby is born. Throughout your pregnancy, you can work with this group to know what you can expect once your baby arrives. They offer prenatal classes for childbirth, breastfeeding, baby safety, and CPR.

Once your baby arrives, their help is going to become a little more hands-on. Through this center, you are going to find postpartum doulas, night nurses, and newborn nannies. They are going to be there to provide you with unlimited support so you can actually cherish this stage. From providing you with advice to doing light housework, they are there for it all. 

Happy expecting parents snuggle on a rocky beach at sunset while touching the bump after visiting new mummy company


Let’s talk about infant sleep–or lack thereof–for a second. With New Mummy Company, you can have consultations that teach you how to raise good sleepers. These packages are entirely virtual. You will go through your child’s sleep history, chat about habits, and develop a plan that will help your baby fall asleep independently. And while these sleep consultations might be their claim to fame, they also offer help with potty training and nutrition. 

You Will Love The Support And Care Of New Mummy Company

With New Mummy Company, the newborn stage can be every bit as exciting as you had hoped. If you think this is the right spot for you, schedule a consultation today! 

Are you looking for more ways to make the most out of this stage? Then let’s connect! I am a Vancouver family photographer, and I adore working with parents so they can make memories of this time. If you would like to learn more about my style, let’s have a conversation so you can decide if my style matches yours. Send me a message today to find out more!

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Discover the Benefits of New Mummy Company for New Parents

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Being a mama of little ones is hard. Between Mom-guilt and the unattainable idea that moms should be able to do everything for everyone, get very little time to herself and feel fulfilled by it, we need all the support we can get! You aren't in this alone. We're here to walk through the ups and downs of motherhood together in a judgment-free, supportive way. 

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What can I expect from my photoshoot?

You want to find the perfect photographer for your family - one that will make your kids comfortable and capture all those expressions and moments that make your heart burst, without the frustration and stress usually associated with a photo shoot.

I help take care of every detail from helping select outfits, to directing you so your family doesn't feel awkward, and assisting in selecting the images that make your heart the happiest. My goal is to give you the stunning images you want of all your favourite parts of your beautiful life, make them into gorgeous artwork so you can enjoy them daily, and make it a fun and stress-free experience for the whole family!